I've been off-kilter of late: some late nights, not enough sleep, coughing, spluttering, sore throating, mood swings, etc. So, it's understandable why I felt emotionally drained today after a fantastic morning of networking and community building. There's a light at the end of the tunnel and yes, I finally feel the hope.
I came home and had to take a nap after a light lunch. I woke up to the sound of thunder. The hills were rolling with them. It's early for thunderstorms, I think, but perhaps the conditions are just right: warm and cold at the same time. Who knows we might even get some hail.
I love crazy weather like this, unpredictable and phenomenal. It's nature. There are even patches of blue sky in the midst of the darkest grey. It feels good to be alive. Everything is in the moment, the flash of lighting preceded by the charges ground to sky. It's atoms bursting with anticipation, in a vacuum of silence, and then, in microseconds gigawatts of energy fly through the air.
Things are slowly feeling like they are moving in a direction I want to be. I am so glad to have the capacity to now say no to things that don't serve me. Things do always have a way of working out. Whether it's prayer, faith or just pure love from the soul of the universe I don't care. I am ever so grateful for this love, "a lesson learned, a loving god, and things in their own time, in nothing more do I trust".
There's a tapestry somewhere being woven, the threads all tie together and build the greatest story there ever was. I feel and see it in my mind's eyes: its linen, its soft velvety lines, its colourful richness dancing like fireworks on the back of my retina. There are no answers only the questions of a child and an immense sense of gratitude of how things turned out. The story isn't over. My love won't let me down.
Eighteen days until Oslo, I can't wait. I get to experience the greatest show on earth in the greatest country on earth, with some 18,000 other fans. It will be another revival and massive party, and I'll feel rejuvenated and healed baptised in those waters.
Until next week: be true. Love thyself and thy neighbour. Love all serve all.