Friday, March 8, 2013

10 minutes to write

Blank slates are intimidating. Whether they are white or black, the emptiness is breath-taking as one takes the first few baby steps onto the surface. One tries not to look back at the mistakes made even in those first few steps, are they really that crucial? No, one must steady on.

So much so many demands come on to each of us every day. That's why it is so important to stay true to yourself and stick to your guns: your priorities come first. Then once you've taken care of what you need to do, you can help others. Yesterday, deciding between my German and my cooking and my exercise and my volunteering duties, I went with exercise and listening to music.

I needed to blow off some doors, I needed to not have to fit in. It was getting to be too much: all these demands on my time, when I couldn't even hear myself think. I have to manage my time much better or I will lose it. Sustainable efforts are much better than losing it.

I managed the cooking though, I am so glad not to have another 'student' eat-out or pasta night. Dinner only took 30 minutes including chopping! I'll definitely make that again. Turkish lamb pilau. Fantastic, next time I add a bit more cinnamon or other-worldly spices.

One more minute and the slate is no longer blank. I enjoyed my time and will have to do this more often. It's not so scary. I will write that scene with Bruce and Catherine later, it's still bugging me.

Happy International Women's Day!

[word count 267]